Discover the fun of wooden play at TAKAMAKA and turn your weekends into unforgettable moments! Our authentic wooden games are perfect for all ages and all occasions. Whether you're planning an outdoor party, a family picnic or just a relaxing day out with friends, our wooden games will add a touch of conviviality and fun.
Our games are designed to bring young and old together in fun, interactive activities. They encourage cooperation, friendly competition and laughter.
Don't miss the chance to make your weekends special with TAKAMAKA. Rent our wooden games and experience unparalleled fun and sharing! Book now and get ready for a weekend full of surprises and fun.


Les atouts


  • 20 ans d’experience dans la région
  • Matériels homologués CEN
  • Réservez votre date et horaire directement sur le site

Paiement sécurisé

Paiement par carte bancaire

Des Experts à votre service

disponibilité par téléphone

activités 100% sensationnelles