Experience an unforgettable game of table football!

Get ready for an epic gaming experience with the giant table football! Imagine yourself manoeuvring large figurines, competing with your friends in a thrilling contest, and feeling the excitement of the classic table football game on a massive scale. Team up, define your strategy and immerse yourself in a playful adventure that guarantees laughter, friendly competition and unforgettable memories.

Whether it's 7 vs. 7, 11 vs. 11, 15 vs. 15 or even 19 vs. 19, our giant table football enables you to organise huge games: up to 30 players!

Ready to rock the pitch and become the giant table football champion? With several balls being thrown at the same time, you'll have to redouble your precision, agility and skill if you want to win your match.

Les atouts


  • 20 ans d’experience dans la région
  • Matériels homologués CEN
  • Réservez votre date et horaire directement sur le site

Paiement sécurisé

Paiement par carte bancaire

Des Experts à votre service

disponibilité par téléphone

activités 100% sensationnelles