Half-day children's canoeing

Half-day children's canoeing

Duration : half day (15km outing)

Open to all children as long as they know how to swim

Location: down the Allier river from Joze

Booking: children only

Pets are welcome at no extra cost. Calm waters ideal for a stroll.


The activity includes :

  • All necessary equipment (lifejacket, paddles, etc.)
  • Waterproof canisters to keep your belongings safe
  • Shuttles to the start and back to the finish.


 Remember to bring :

  • A pair of trainers or walking shoes
  • A swimming costume
  • A bath towel
  • A change of clothes for the finish
  • A bottle of water
  • Sun cream


 The activity does not include :

  • Towels
  • Supervision during the activity
Compulsory condition: know how to swim
Compulsory equipment: 1 pair of shoes (hiking boots or trainers for the activity), swimming costume
Equipment provided: lifejacket, paddles, waterproof containers
Les atouts


  • 20 ans d’experience dans la région
  • Matériels homologués CEN
  • Réservez votre date et horaire directement sur le site

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disponibilité par téléphone

activités 100% sensationnelles