2.0 heures

Discover Clermont-Ferrand with our Escape City!

Are you organizing your EVG or EVJF in Clermont? Discover Escape City Clermont Ferrand, a modern EVG and EVJF activity by Takamaka! Head to the heart of the old town and historic center for the activity and enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience!

If you're not familiar with Clermont Ferrand, this Escape Game is an innovative option for discovering the city and its nooks and crannies! From cobblestones to cathedrals, this culturally rich town is full of fascinating stories to reveal! If you think you know all there is to know about the city and its secrets, now's the time to prove it! Come and test yourself! Come and prove it!

Alone or with others, it's time to set off on an expedition in search of ancient mysteries. Don't forget to bring a good pair of shoes, our explorer's backpacks and your roadbook as you embark on your adventure. These will be your best allies in this activity.

Solve the riddles, find the clues, unlock the padlocks and off you go! Will 90 minutes be enough to find your way out? So get your brains working and unite your teams around a variety of enigmas during this Escape City Clermont Ferrand for a successful EVG-EVJF!

Les atouts


  • 20 ans d’experience dans la région
  • Matériels homologués CEN
  • Réservez votre date et horaire directement sur le site

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disponibilité par téléphone

activités 100% sensationnelles